The Carpenters and Docklands Foodbank in Newham

The Carpenters and Docklands Foodbank in Newham currently receives more than 12 tonnes of food per week from retail giants and charities such as Sainsbury’s, Marks & Spencer’s, Fareshare and City Harvest. They provide food parcels and essential items including toiletries, baby food and sanitary equipment to over 2,500 Newham residents, many of whom live on the Carpenters Estate or are homeless people sleeping rough in Stratford.

The organisation has become so popular, they have been supplying 21 other charities with food to run their own food hubs who have also been delivering parcels and gifts to nurses and firemen – many of which have been provided via donations from supporters or via grant funds. This work has been in many cases, a life saver to many families.

Rooff have pledged a monthly donation to support their ongoing efforts. We’re appealing for any donations you might be able to give which will enable the foodbank to continue helping to provide 2,500 local residents a week with food and essentials, support 85 homeless a day, run a much needed Christmas Day Centre and more than anything secure employment for their dedicated team of employees.

Their aim is to continue to provide the much needed service that our residents and supporters have come to expect.

Donations can be made:

– Via cheque to The Dockland Settlements, 98 Gibbins Road, Stratford, London, E15 2HU.

– Via Just Giving –

– Via Bank Transfer to Carpenters and Docklands Centre Community Centre. Bank Details: Barclays Bank, Sort code 20-26-46, Account 50237744 (please leave your name as a reference)

Carpenters and Docklands Foodbank


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