Bow Wharf
Grove Road, London, E3

Bow Wharf is a private development by Rooff Property in partnership with The Canal and Riverside Trust, who own the site and a selected housing association. The scheme involves a 34 mix tenure residential units; 11 as affordable and 23 as private sale. These were split over three blocks of traditional brick cladding, timber panels, slate roof and balconies. A quaint café facility is integrated into the scheme, which is perfectly situated along the Regents Canal side.
All the residential units achieved Code Level 4 for the Code for Sustainable Homes and the Commercial Unit achieved an excellent BREEAM rating. To obtain this level, the design of the project considered method and approach of construction, use of building materials, renewable energy use on site, and appropriate / local use of sub-contractors.
The design is the key element of achieving the code level four though to assist the requirements photovoltaic panels were installed.
The buildings was adjacent to existing residents which required careful and considerate construction work, with appropriate level of resident liaison in place. Also within the surrounding area was an existing listed warehouse and grade II listed bridge to consider during the construction phase.
Rooff Property LLP & H20 Urban (LLP)
Planning: Lewis and Hickey Architects
Delivery: Stanley Bragg Architects
JCT Design & Build