The New London Region Construction Training Group

The New London Region Construction Training Group was officially launched on the 28th January 2014 at the London Chamber of Commerce. The event was hosted by the chairman of the group Steve Drury from Rooff Limited and Mike Bialyj from the CITB. The new group has been set up to aid in driving training and recruitment for its members, The LRCTG is backed by the CITB, allowing access to a government grant that funds the training.

Motivation for the new group stemmed from original members from a previous North East London Training Group which disbanded back in 2007. Former members of the NELTG Kevin McCloghlin, Jean Duprez, and Steve Drury, were instrumental in the formation of the new group alongside support from the CITB.

Training and staff development remain key issues for the construction industry and it is intended that the new group will work in collaboration with its members to forward these aims.

LRCTG Aims and Objectives

For more information about the group and membership, please contact Nicky Garrett the LRCTG Group Training Officer

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